Myers-Briggs Strong Interest Inventory

The Strong Interest Inventory assessment helps guide you toward a rich and fulfilling career based on your interests and where you find meaning and motivation. The Strong Interest Inventory is among the world’s most widely respected and frequently used career planning tools. It has helped academic and business organizations develop their brightest talent and has guided thousands of individuals - from high school and college students to mid-career workers seeking a change in their search for a career to embrace fully!

The Strong Interest Inventory measures career and leisure interests. It is based on the work of E. K. Strong Jr., who originally published his assessment on the measurement of interest in 1927. The assessment is trusted because it is:

  • Empirically based

  • Underpinned by research and scientific analysis

  • Regularly updated to reflect changes in today’s world of work

The General Occupational Themes (GOTs) shared via the Holland Hexagon include roles/careers that are:

  • Realistic (Building, Repairing, Working Outdoors)

  • Investigative (Researching, Analyzing, Inquiring)

  • Artistic (Creating or Enjoying Art, Drama, Music, Writing)

  • Social (Helping, Instructing, Caregiving)

  • Enterprising (Selling, Managing, Persuading)

  • Conventional (Accounting, Organizing, Processing Data)