Aspiring Leader Program 

By dissecting natural aptitudes from acquired skills, Leaders and Professionals take their performance to the next level with increased self-awareness, intention, and targeted growth.

Growth is at the core of all professional development. Most assessments, evaluation, and feedback direct information toward the person from the outside. What’s missing is information from the inside, information revealed by objectively measured aptitudes. 

The Highlands Ability Battery Leader experience is for growing the formal responsibilities of organizations, divisions, department or teams, and for individuals pursuing their own personal leadership.

Regardless of age and stage, the Aspiring Leader Program participants will benefit from understanding their leadership style, identify potential opportunities that maximize your strengths, and understand differences of those you manage now or will manage in the future.

This program is created to:

  • Provide professional development with targeted groups of leaders across the organization or in intact teams

  • Provide professional development for leaders through associations, colleges, and universities where participants do not work together on a day to day basis

  • Provide guidance to new aspiring leaders so they are aware of their natural talents.  

Communication Basics & Adulting 101

In real life communications, only 7% is related to the spoken word, while 93% is attributed to tonality and non-verbal behavior.  Understanding how you communicate informs your ability to build rapport with others. 

You learn how to use the Dedeni Method™ to contribute to the control and oversight of your self-leadership. We tend to give our energy to both internal and external expressions of ideas and beliefs. Internally, we can have positive or negative or empowering or disempowering thoughts. Externally, we move in the world according to those thoughts; however, if you pay close attention to your inner thoughts, beliefs and the stories you tell yourself about life, and if you examine your outer actions that are based on those thoughts, you are embracing the Dedeni Method™. 

In order to foster good connection with yourself and others, learn to use four drivers referred to as the ADRS Framework™ (pronounced ADORES: Assurance, Diversity, Relationship, and Significance). This framework helps to build rapport and communication.

Through a series of questions, you will develop an action plan for self-leadership. 

Highlands Ability Battery - Group Introduction

Everyone is born with inherent abilities that make certain types of tasks preferable to others.

For that reason, people are most fulfilled in their careers when they find an environment that allows them to work primarily from their gifts and their natural talents.  The Highlands Ability Battery (HAB) is an objective way to assess what those abilities are in a virtual, online format.

For some, talents are specialized, such as a gift for music or design, or a gift for theoretical thought. For others, talents may be more generalized, such as a talent for leading teams or the abilities that make teaching, selling or writing easy.

This introductory workshop will outline the categories of natural abilities that include Personal Style, Driving Abilities and Specialized Abilities in preparation for the Highlands Ability Battery. 

Highlands Ability Battery - Group Feedback

After you  complete all 19 work samples, you will receive customized reports that provide insights into how you think, what makes you tick and where you will thrive. 

The report includes over 25 pages and begins with your personal profile, showing the score achieved for each ability and its significance as it relates to your personality, your motivation, how your learn, communicate, solve problems and make decisions. 

As part of a group, you will receive a general overview of each category learning about yourself and others.

Identity Declaration

How would you describe yourself? Is your description life affirming? Motivating? Empowering? This fun activity taps into the emotion attributed to how you think, feel, do and have. You will develop an identity declaration that is self-leading, positive and empowering.

Values & Boundaries 

Your values are the things you believe are the most important to you and the way you chose to live your life. Your most important values help you determine your life priorities.  Understanding your own values informs your self-leadership.

Identifying and enforcing your boundaries allow you to know what you are comfortable with and how you would like to be treated by others.  It is key to understand what you want, what is flexible and what is non-negotiable in various relationships.

Via various exercises, you will identify your values and their appropriate boundaries.

Customized Workshops and Programs designed, upon request, to meet the needs of your organization.